Amurrio participates in the Hormiga Project for the recovery of foundry sands and ceramic materials by means of new technologies

by | Jul 22, 2022 | Press releases | 0 comments

The Hormiga Project began in April 2021, with the support of a consortium of six companies (including Amurrio Ferrocarril), two technology centers and a university center. It is expected to last three years, until 2023.

The objective is to achieve the recovery and reuse of the sands used in casting and in all types of gravity molding.

To this end, the project is developing new technologies based on electromagnetic waves.

The analyses and studies carried out so far reveal highly promising results.

Both in this Hormiga Project in which Amurrio Ferrocarril y Equipos participates, and in the Bihrakom Project (bioregeneration of foundry sand by composting), both in collaboration with Tecnalia, the aim is to enhance the circular economy by basing the sustainability of all its processes on the basis of an industry of the future.

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T.+34 945 891 600

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